Last edited by BrayWyatt; 11-03-2015 at 01:50 AM.
My GT5 Profile My Blu-Ray Collection My PS3 Games
Thx for the rep everyone!!! PS3 Themes (Static & Dynamic)
I'm confused it sends you to this picture?
i fixed it. they must of been deleted.
My GT5 Profile My Blu-Ray Collection My PS3 Games
Thx for the rep everyone!!! PS3 Themes (Static & Dynamic)
I'm TheLaughingClown I laugh when I destroy someone on a game, I'm former xA0Vx Member: xA0Vx SYCOxGRIM
WWE 2K19releases 10/718
Some gameplay was leaked too it looks pretty good and the gunplay is far more fluid and not stiff and clunky like the past Fallout games
Here Fallout 4 leaked gameplay is still online ahead of release date | Metro News