Ok, this is seriously starting to piss me off, for some fucked up reason the game just refuses to activate the Dark Brotherhood questline,
everytime i kill Greland after talking to the little guy the same thing happens, i sleep, no cutscene, Astrid doesn't show up, ever! then the game just goes about as if nothing
ever happened, i've tried EVERYTHING!!! killing the old hag before visiting little dude, waiting on the note that says "we know" before sleeping, i even tried sleeping in nearly
every possible location on the game, still nothing! no Astrid, no Dark Brotherhood, this BS started after i bought the Dragonborn dlc last year, before then all i ever needed
to do in order to start the Dark Brotherhood questline was murder the old bitch in the orphanage and sleep = instant cutscene with Astrid, it wouldn't bother me so much say for that there are lots of really cool items that you can ONLY GET FROM THE DARK BROTHERHOOD.
has anyone else had this happen on the game? and is there any possible way to fix it? any advice would be worth a try at this point cause i've googled the problem and found no help, uninstalled/reinstalled Dragonborn dlc,
started new games, cleared out the system cache, anything and everything, nothing seems to fix this problem.