Hello, I'm fairly new here and I made this donation so I didnt need to post 100 post :P Anyhow I'm looking for a Trainer for DA Inquistion Multiplayer with God mode ect, but also one shot kill.
Hello, I'm fairly new here and I made this donation so I didnt need to post 100 post :P Anyhow I'm looking for a Trainer for DA Inquistion Multiplayer with God mode ect, but also one shot kill.
Hello Madbikerr,
Thank you for your kind donation :)
There is a trainer available for x360 on this site but its only for offline.
There isn't a trainer made for PC version (yet) and if there is one available then it will be for offline use only.
There is a trainer made for the PC version on another site: http://mrantifun.net/index.php?threa...-trainer.2540/
You can ofcourse use this trainer for online/multiplayer but note that the trainer is made for solo play (offline) and will get you banned by steam or Origin if its used online.
Origin and Steam has the same policy in multiplayer but for offline it wont hurt using a trainer. Though it may affect your achievements.
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