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[Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?
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  1. #1
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    Crimzonsea is offline
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    [Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?

    Hi all,
    Sorry if this game is way too old for people to care about now, but I thought I'd give this a shot. Also I have done a search in the forums I would assume a tutorial to be and have found nothing, so forgive me if this is a repost as well.

    I've noticed the resigner in the download section for this game (Thank you JizzaBeez) and I just wondered, how would I go about moding my money? I guess I can figure out the rest on my own.

    There are two files to extract in the save game, and I don't know which one has the value for money. Well, they both do for me, but modding them both then resigning is fruitless at the moment. Would appreciate any help anyone can supply. I'm a bit of an editing noob so to speak, so laymen's terms please. :)

  2. #2
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    Insane JIC is offline
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    Re: [Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?

    Post the save and stats.
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    Think about it! we consume, we reproduce, we spread, we infect, We're the real rats.

  3. #3
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    Jappi88 is offline
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    Re: [Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?

    Your money is stored in your gpd.
    Post your gpd with the amount of money.

  4. #4
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    Insane JIC is offline
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    Re: [Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?

    I'm guessing he doesn't know...Cause I don't know what GPD is lol
    Downloads : 61 || Uploads : 6 || Rep Power : 6150 || Posts : 1,042 || Thanks : 121 || Thanked 124 Times in 93 Posts

    Think about it! we consume, we reproduce, we spread, we infect, We're the real rats.

  5. #5
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    Jappi88 is offline
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    Re: [Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?

    GPD = Gamer profile data, or Gamer player data...

    the GPD is stored inside your profile... the name of the gpd is the title id from the game.
    every game creates a gpd inside your profile for storing some of the player data.

    so use lefluffie or modio to open your profile and search for "454108d8.gpd" and extract it.

    then send me the gpd with your current amount of money.

  6. #6
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    Crimzonsea is offline
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    Re: [Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?

    I'm glad you asked about that, because I had no idea either :D
    Thanks for the help lads, I've included the GPD in this post. Is it just a case of searching for the hex in this file, and then changing it to what you want? Or is it more complicated than that. I know there's always something funny you have to do with EA games usually.
    But yeah, if you could give me a running commentary as you go, so I could learn for future reference as to what to do, I'd really appreciate that. Thanks!
    I'm an idiot, almost forgot to include money amount.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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  8. #7
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    Jappi88 is offline
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    Re: [Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crimzonsea View Post
    I'm glad you asked about that, because I had no idea either :D
    Thanks for the help lads, I've included the GPD in this post. Is it just a case of searching for the hex in this file, and then changing it to what you want? Or is it more complicated than that. I know there's always something funny you have to do with EA games usually.
    But yeah, if you could give me a running commentary as you go, so I could learn for future reference as to what to do, I'd really appreciate that. Thanks!
    I'm an idiot, almost forgot to include money amount.
    The gpd has a checksum (security) so it will corrupt when you edit the gpd.

    But the security has been found by PUR3 RAF3X Buddah. I 'm able now to fix it.

    I, m not at home now, but when i get there i'l mod your money.'

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  10. #8
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    Jappi88 is offline
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    Re: [Request] Army of Two: 40th Day money mod tutorial?

    oke , try this one...454108D8_Modded.rar

    open you profile with modio or Lefluffie
    Find 454108D8.GPD and click "replace file"
    then select the modded one and click Rehash/Resign , Or with Lefluffie goto security and click on fix.

    thats it, try and let me know the result

    Note : I'm Not sure if this works, it may be coruppted. and may damage the game progress, so be aware.

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