credit to evgamer
recommend edit items directly because it freezes when loading the game, it is best to edit only ammunition with weapons you currently have in your inventory.
credit to evgamer
recommend edit items directly because it freezes when loading the game, it is best to edit only ammunition with weapons you currently have in your inventory.
Last edited by THUMBS; 01-03-2017 at 01:23 AM.
thanx for the tool i will try it out nice job and keep it updated
hmmmm can't seem to open or load up my file onto the tool
(NEVERMIND) it was set u to opening ps3 so i couldn't before but after switching it to 360 bin i got it
Last edited by THUMBS; 02-12-2016 at 09:57 PM.
ok so far the codes are working great. i didnt try adding codes to slots that weren't occupied but i altered the items in the inventory that were. one thing to note so far is that ammobox capacity is only 255 and if you pick up more, then it will split off. for example i made my handgun ammobox 9999 but when i picked more it split into two slots with 255 each.
about to buy the game and will try the editor out when its done downloading, will let ya know how it works, thanks THUMBS!!! you have officially cured my boredom.
i was able to beat the game in just a few hours thanx to the tool. i would recommend everyone to instead of modding for more ammo boxes, just mod your ammo for the weapon you want. for example i modded in a magnum for both billy and rebecca and modded the ammo to 9999 on each gun. i never needed to pick up any ammo, never reloaded, or use a different gun because everyone knows the magnum is already OP.
in the previous RE games when you mod the weapon's ammo count, as soon as you fire your weapon or reload, the ammo count will go back to normal. however with this tool and this game, when i modded 9999 bullets on my magnum, it never reset.
Last edited by THUMBS; 03-05-2016 at 07:08 PM.
how can I get this save editor