Yasuhiro Wada, the creator of the Harvest Moon series, has told Official Nintendo Magazine that he has a 3DS game in the works and is hoping to release another title for Wii U.
Asked if he was interested in producing a 3DS game, Wada said "I've got a 3DS game in the pipeline right now, and I've got another game that we haven't decided the platform on, but which I am hoping to bring to Wii U."
Wada didn't reveal what his new games are all about but perhaps you shouldn't expect another game in the style of Harvest Moon. After all, Wada now works for Grasshopper alongside Suda51 and, in recent years, has performed the role of executive producer on No More Heroes and No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle for Wii.
Suda51 has already spoken of his plans for No More Heroes Wii U and Wada believes that the console has a lot of potential.
"Right now it feels like a home console version DS and I mean that in a good way," he told ONM. "I think there is a lot of hidden potential there, so I am right now thinking up new modes of play. I really enjoy times like this!"
What sort of game would you like Wada to make for 3DS and Wii U? Another Harvest Moon-style game? Or something like No More Heroes?