Thank you in advance for any and all help provided,
I have been a gamer since the 80's and have enjoyed a variety of genres of video games. Now my son is starting his gaming experience. Since he is young he won't know what it was like to have to blow into a NES cartridge or laser disc or what it was like to rewind a walk-man cassette or a VHS tape(not sure he knows what those are)or that we had to get up and manually turn the knob on a TV to change the channel. Since he likes “gun” games I would like him to experience “light gun” games. I have ps1, ps2, Dreamcast, XBOX games but the only thing that keeps me from playing them is the lack of an old TUB-TV. Since switching to LED TV’s this option is a no-go because there are no good/compatible light guns(scan lines and pixels difference). I hope this isn't categorized as an old subject because of the topic,I am really hoping to get some feedback on what some of you may have setup in order to play these oldies but goodies. Again thank you for taking time to read my post.