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L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's
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  1. #1

    L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's

    Hi all,

    this is my 1st Savegame here, it's for L.A. Noire incl. all DLC's

    the only thing i don't know is, what kind of archievements you get when you load the save.

    It's NOT hex edited, i spend nearly 47 hours within one week to get the 1400k. I would appreciate your feedback, especially what archievements you get, when you load it. Don't forget to edit the ID's with Modio ;)


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	02-08-2011 00-25-52.jpg 
Views:	245 
Size:	32.3 KB 
ID:	1765
    EDIT: Here you can find the Image in original resolution


  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to therealmofu For This Useful Post:

  3. #2

    Re: L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's

    Hi man, i've tried usig your save but every time I do so It tells me that the file is corrupt, Im really used to change saves to my console, im pretty much familiar with rehashing and resigning also with swapping the Ids of the game and consolo but ur safe simply wont work can some1 check on it? thans in advance

  4. #3

    Re: L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's

    Hmmm i have no clue why, i copied it right from the xbox to my stick, then to desktop with usbxtaf and just removed the id's with modio, thats it. Maybe the problem is, that the profile is synchronized with social club, i really dont know.

    But there are two more users who downloaded it and no one from those reported an error, maybe they could tell us if the savegame works on theire profiles and consoles...
    Last edited by therealmofu; 08-09-2011 at 11:25 PM.

  5. #4

    Re: L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's

    same problem here :/

  6. #5

    Re: L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's

    this doesn't work for me...

  7. #6
    Junior Member
    wboyz is offline
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    Posts : 10

    Re: L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's

    not working :(

  8. #7

    Re: L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's

    So you NEED the dlc for this to work? o_O

  9. #8

    Re: L.A. Noire - 100% Savegame incl. all DLC's

    Work 100% with the normal edition but not with the Complete Edition.


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