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Nintendo will develop non-3D games for 3DS
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    Nintendo will develop non-3D games for 3DS

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    Must a title on the Nintendo 3DS use the system's 3D effects? Not necessarily. That's the latest word from Nintendo global president Satoru Iwata, who suggests not all software must take advantage of a system's unique attributes. In fact the Nintendo executive went on to suggest Nintendo's own 3DS titles might not always be in 3D.

    "I think there could be a Nintendo 3DS software title which does not use the 3D feature at all, and I believe Nintendo will develop such software," Iwata said. "Instead, other features of the Nintendo 3DS should be focused on. It might be a communication feature, or other functions (such as the gyro sensor or the motion sensor). The important thing is that each respective software title has its own characteristics, and appeals to the consumers in a way that fits the software."

    Iwata's statement about 3D came in the context of a larger discussion about systems and their unique features. Iwata had pointed out that Wii was often seen as a waggle system until developers began focusing on other features. In that same way, Iwata believes that his customers will not be satisfied if all 3DS games focus all of their innovation and gameplay on the 3D experience.

    "I believe we have to implement new proposals focused on another appealing feature of the Nintendo 3DS, which is the communication feature," Iwata said. The Nintendo executive did note that the company's two major portable titles for the fall, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3DLand, do focus on 3D.

  2. #2
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Re: Nintendo will develop non-3D games for 3DS

    Leaving out the 3D function WILL save on space and processing power. It might be a good move, it might not. I don't guess it matters too much, so long as the main series are all in 3D. Of course, the absolute worst thing Nintendo could do is create a game with a 3D and non-3D version, then charge extra for the 3D version; I really hope that this isn't what they're lining up for.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."



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