Warhawk fans seem to be getting an early reward for their loyalty. Sony Santa Monica's been dropping hints of such a case happening, and with Starhawk no less.

Said Senior Producer Harvard Bonin over at the PlayStation US Blog, "It's forefront in our mind to make this a very fair game. A public beta will be part of that."

He then delves deep into their plans for the beta, which he says are still being ironed out, but is guaranteed to come. The part that should get Warhawk fans excited though is this: "Our hope is to take care of Warhawk players first."

"We'll have matchmaking, game lists like Warhawk, party systems, tournament systems, and custom games where you can send out invites to bring your friends in. You'll be able to customize your skills, too, and you'll gain skills as you level up. Character outfit customization as well... everything that you would expect in a top-of-the-line shooter."

Of course, as with all beta objectives, of utmost priority. "Our massive amount of testing should clean out oddities and we also learned a lot from Warhawk. We're counting on our public beta to squeeze out a lot of issues as well."

The thing with Starhawk is that there will be a lot of weapons for you to choose from, and so it should only be a matter of determining for yourself which one's the most fitting given the challenge you're up against.

"It's a typical rock-paper-scissors approach. Honestly, I'm not too worried about it, and I think the public beta and play test sessions will be a gigantic help. If we see balance issues we'll either tweak the knobs or even add new gameplay abilities. We actually just added a new anti-infantry attack for the mech, which is a stomp. It's perfect, because we used to make you wade throug htese minions blasting away and it really wasn't satisfying as the little guys are hard to hit. Now you just R3 for melee and they get crushed."

This makes for a very sweet treat for fans who have been waiting a long time for word on Starhawk. We're expecting for more details on this now that the beta cat's out of the bag. In the meantime, the multiplayer trailer that they came out with a couple of months ago should get you all more hyped up.

To read more on the interview with Starhawk's producer, check out the full link below.
