- searchfield above gamelist
- If there is no cover available then it will automatically show a link to search Google images for cover(s).
- Game Info lookup
- Youtube lookup
1.3 - Change the Game Folder yourself in the options.
- Bugfix writing speed
1.2 - Added Manual Patching for video partitions, PFI, DMI and SS
- Lookup in abgx360 database for verified SSv2 and waves
1.1 - Added Advanced Options (Settings for ABGX 260 and ImgBurn)
1.0 I made this tool to have an easy and central point for checking, burning and printing covers of XBOX 360 games. Everything is just 1 click away and very easy to use.
You simply create a folder which contains the ISO (and optional .dvd and .jpg) in the "Games" folder and this tool places the game in the list with the name of the game folder. It doesn't matter what filename you use, as long as the .iso and .dvd have the same name. If you don't have a .dvd, then it will be created automatically upon stealth check.
This tool needs 4 folders to work:
- abgx360 (containing the abgx360 executable and stealth files, you can add other wave's videopartitions if you like)
- imgburn (containing the ImgBurn executable)
- img (containing tool graphics)
- Games (the place to store your XBOX 360 backups)
example structure:
C:\XBOX 360 Game Manager\Games\UFC Undisputed2010\ufcu2010.dvd
C:\XBOX 360 Game Manager\Games\UFC Undisputed2010\ufcu2010.iso
C:\XBOX 360 Game Manager\Games\UFC Undisputed2010\cover.jpg
Have fun! ;)