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Thread: The Rules

  1. #1

    Sephiroth is offline
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    The Rules

    Follow them or get crushed by the ban hammer!


    1.1. 360Haven website is aimed toward a general audience. Explicit and vulgar language, drug talk, nudity, pornography and so forth is not allowed.

    1.2. Do not mini-mod. We would like to encourage and thank our members to use the Report button, without adding their own criticism. Examples of this include - "Lock this thread!", "warn this user", "ban this user", etc...

    1.3. All publicly displayed messages are only limited to English. This includes posts, titles, signatures, profiles, and other forms of public display unless posted in the Foreign Language Section, if available, or told otherwise by an admin/moderator.

    1.4. When posting a new topic; please do not name the topic title as something similar to "HELP ME" - Instead, a better topic would be "Help me with Modding My Gamertag" - It looks better, and more people will respond to it that way.

    1.5. Maximum number of characters for signatures must not exceed 2200, contain anything explicit, contain nudity, or contain porn. The same rule applies for avatars.

    1.6. Do not create a new thread on a topic that is currently already in discussion. Regardless of if you "feel" you deserve to have your own thread, the existing thread should be used unless an Admin or Mod instructs otherwise.

    1.7. The 360Haven website's Staff reserve the right to lock and/or delete any posts or threads which they deem irrelevant or frivolous at their own discretion.

    1.8. Please use the SEARCH feature of the forums before posting threads that address errors, problems, questions, and almost ANYTHING. Chances are someone has already asked the same question and received an answer. Please search before starting a new thread.

    1.9. No alternate accounts are allowed. You are not in any circumstances allowed to make another account. You will get caught if you make one and dealt with accordingly up to both accounts being banned.

    1.10. Impersonating Staff members is not allowed and consequences will be dealt accordingly and immediately. This includes telling others you are staff or having staff badges as your avatar.

    1.11. Do not abuse the Thanks system, give it out accordingly and correctly.

    1.12. Racist comments or images will not be tolerated.

    1.13. Anyone found to be uploading files containing viruses or with software built in with the intention of hacking others system will be banned.


    2.1. We do not tolerate spam. In short, do not post small or useless posts that are not relevant to the topic being discussed.

    2.2. Do not PM a moderator or admin numerous times saying the same thing to try and speed up an answer/problem. We receive the PM's you get. There is no need to keep sending it.

    2.3. Forum sigs are to be used respectfully, so don't annoy our members by making your sig into your personal ad revenue opportunity. (ie: advertising and/or reference/affiliate codes in your sig is prohibited).

    2.4.a. Advertising on Forums is strictly prohibited!!
    2.4.b. Advertising in any form is not allowed


    3.1. Do not post offensive, abusive, obscene, hateful, discriminating, or harmful posts.

    3.2. ABSOLUTELY NO cursing or swear words.

    3.3. Follow basic netiquette rules. For example, DO NOT ever type in ALL CAPS. This applies to both topic titles and the post messages, as this is considered yelling.

    3.4. Never under any circumstances post personal information of anyone, pictures, or any other material without the person's consent.

    3.5. After 2 Warnings - All warnings become permanent. This is to keep troublemakers from not getting the 'penalty' for their actions.

    3.6. All warnings/bans given by the The 360Haven website's Staff are final. 360Haven website's staff members reserve the right to ignore any requests to modify a warning/ban.

    3.7. If you are a long standing member, act like one; lead by example and assist other newer users rather than attacking them. We look upon our veteran users to use this opportunity to teach the newer users the appropriate way to conduct themselves in this community.

    3.8. Personal attacks such as instigating "flame bait", verbal abuse, mocking or sexist remarks of members in posts are not tolerated at 360Haven Such posts will be deleted on sight or moderated accordingly.

    3.9. Members that reply to posts simply to instigate argument will be dealt with and shown no mercy.

    3.10. Posts in a particular forum need to stay on topic.

    3.11. No bashing or flaming affiliate(s) or relations.


    4.1. Use descriptive subject lines & research your post. This reduces the chances of double-posting and it also makes it easier for people to see what they do or don't want to read.

    4.2.Keep the focus. Each board has a focus on a certain topic. Questions outside the scope of a certain board will either be moved to the appropriate board, locked, or simply be deleted. Please post your topic in the most appropriate board. Users that post in the wrong board will be warned. Continuing these actions will result in a banned.

    4.3. DO NOT bump your topics. Doing so causes unnecessary clutter to the forum.

    4.4. Do not double post on the board. It means that you are not allowed to reply twice in a row in any thread. Use the edit button when altering your reply if you're the last to post.

    4.5. If you post a one-lined message such as "lol", "+1", etc... it is classified as SPAM and will be removed. Multiple offenses can result in all your posts needing moderator approval or a complete loss of posting rights.

    4.6. Do NOT report your OWN post(s) for any reason.


    5.1. Public discussions of moderator or admin actions are not allowed on the forum. It is also prohibited to protest moderator or admin actions in titles, avatars, signatures,If you do not like something that a moderator or admin said/did, DO NOT discuss this in the forums. If necessary, PM or email the moderator or admin and try your best to resolve the problem or difference in a private manner.

    5.2. Public discussion of a Banned Member or why such user was banned is prohibited. The user either broke the rules, or was banned at the Staff's discretion.


    6.1. If you have a complaint about another member, problems with other members, etc., please try to resolve the problem in a personal message. If necessary, address an admin or moderator by reporting their post.

    6.2. If you believe an individual is repeatedly breaking the rules, please report to one of Administrators. Repeating offenders will be banned from the forum, and further action may be taken against them.


    7.1. Banned members got banned for a reason. It's their own fault.

    7.2. Banned members will be blocked from all IM services and every page on 360Haven E-mail(s) sent from the banned user to staff members will be ignored until the ban is lifted.

    7.3. 360Haven website's staff members are not required to notify why the user was banned, though we most likely will do so.

    7.4. Should you be disciplined with a restriction or ban, you are not allowed to open a new account to obtain freedom to post. Restrictions and bans are given for a reason, and usurping that ability by re-registering is not tolerated. If another account is opened, that account will be banned immediately, and the original account will be further penalized. Anyone who has warnings on their account is automatically excluded from changing their user name.


    8.1. We DO NOT allow members to sell, trade, give away, swap or exchange their accounts/subscriptions. If we become aware that this has happened then the new and original account holders will both be permanently banned from 360Haven.

    8.2. It is down to the individual member to make sure that his/her 'auto renewing' subscription is cancelled correctly in their individual paypal accounts when they no longer wish to subscribe. We have no access to any paypal account of our members and, therefore, cannot cancel on their behalf. Please note that we DO NOT give refunds.


    9.1. Although we would all like to post and leech off of shareware and illegal files such as an exploit, flash, books/manuals and videos, we can't. NOBODY is allowed to post any links or upload any files that are meant to be purchased or have copyrights attached to them saying the file(s) cannot be distributed freely. If we see any posts or chat discussions pertaining to the distribution of illegal software and/or files, that content will be removed as soon as possible and the user will receive a ban. The length of the ban will be determined by 360Haven website's staff and will vary depending on the volume and type of content the software or file(s) contained.

    Disrespecting members & Staff

    10.1. First time you will be caught disrespecting a staff (insults, pm spam, trash-talking) you will be suspended for the amount of time decided by the staff you annoyed (between 1 and 30 days)
    If this keeps going on, you may end up perm suspended, or even ip + email banned (depending on how bad the situation is)

    10.2. Treat other members positively and with respect. Flaming other members will lead to a warning, possibly even a ban. If you have a problem report it so staff can deal with the issue accordingly.

    How to become a staff member?

    11.1. Do not ask anyone of the staff if you can become a Administrator/Moderator, If we think you are doing great and will need more staff members we will contact You. If you do ask anyone to become a Mod/Admin you will be blacklisted and we will never pick you for staff member ever.

    .:: Application Development ::.

    12.1. If a developer makes an editor and there has been too many complains regarding the editor not working. If the Developer doesn't
    give any feedback regarding an update - The Thread will be locked till further notice.

    We appreciate the time You took to read The Board Rules. Enjoy Your stay here at 360haven and please Obey these rules
    360haven Staff

    Last edited by Sephiroth; 06-21-2014 at 01:01 AM. Reason: There were two 4.2. rules.

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  3. #2

    Sephiroth is offline
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    Re: The Rules

    Rules updated:
    Rule 10.1 added
    Downloads : 171 || Uploads : 13 || Rep Power : 9700 || Posts : 3,380 || Thanks : 514 || Thanked 4,272 Times in 1,295 Posts

    What i have shown you is reality. What you remember... that is the illusion.

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  5. #3

    Sephiroth is offline
    Join Date : Nov 2010
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    Re: The Rules

    Rules updated:

    Rule 1.12 added
    Rule 1.13 added
    Rule 2.4.a added
    Rule 2.4.b added
    Rule 10.2 added
    Rule 11.1 added
    Downloads : 171 || Uploads : 13 || Rep Power : 9700 || Posts : 3,380 || Thanks : 514 || Thanked 4,272 Times in 1,295 Posts

    What i have shown you is reality. What you remember... that is the illusion.

  6. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to Sephiroth For This Useful Post:

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  7. #4

    Sephiroth is offline
    Join Date : Nov 2010
    Location : Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
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    Re: The Rules

    Rules updated:

    Rule 12.1 added
    Downloads : 171 || Uploads : 13 || Rep Power : 9700 || Posts : 3,380 || Thanks : 514 || Thanked 4,272 Times in 1,295 Posts

    What i have shown you is reality. What you remember... that is the illusion.

  8. The Following 17 Users Say Thank You to Sephiroth For This Useful Post:

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