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Red Dead Redemption outfit values?
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  1. #1

    Red Dead Redemption outfit values?

    Was wondering if anyone knew how to find or know of the values to look for for unlocking outfits. I've seen 2-3 editors out before but those options that do unlock the outfits have 1 outfit not available even though the character can wear it. So I was trying to fill in that gap where the outfit should be enabled. If a save is needed, I can provide one.

  2. #2
    Xbox God

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    Well we also need more info if we were going to unlock it,Like stats or other info that can help us in finding the outfits in the first place then we can hack the other outfit.
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  3. #3
    Not going to work unfortunately. Seems R* has patched it somehow with TU (title update). Can't use DLC without TU as well so once you do save with the updated TU as the save, it renders all previous editors useless and the usual method of searching as well for I cannot find them as easily as just entering the hex value of money. Might be encrypted now... but I could be wrong.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morisato View Post
    Was wondering if anyone knew how to find or know of the values to look for for unlocking outfits. I've seen 2-3 editors out before but those options that do unlock the outfits have 1 outfit not available even though the character can wear it. So I was trying to fill in that gap where the outfit should be enabled. If a save is needed, I can provide one.
    1 outfit not available? The Mexican Poncho one? o_O It unlock whenever John Marston buys any property in Mexico... but!!! When u use the editor to unlock all of outfits, u cant have this one (i dunno why) Maybe its all because certain outfits unlock only when u start to play as *SPOILERS* Jack Marston... so if u play as Jack, all of Mexico properties become "Already owned" so "the Mexican Poncho outfit" counts as owned,but not unlocked....
    if u dont get it, then why u red it?)
    I like this quote "If a save is needed, I can provide one" Thats very nice of u,but there is already TONS of Red Dead Redemption savegames)))
    Dont count this message as flood/spam @_@

  5. #5
    Yes I now there are many saves, but majority of them have hexed stats which look totally unlegit and I hear R* is banning anyone with those mod of sorts as it records your stats via SC when you play the game. Another reason is most saves don't have the Hunter/Trade outfits which came with the free DLC. I've managed to get all the outfits now because I was able to find one house in Mexico that wasn't purchsed and it worked. Think the editor somehow managed to make 1 house unowned or playing some missions thereafter made it unowned but I've managed to get all 17 outfits. Yes another reason my save is better is because none of the saves i've seen so far has dead sassin preorder outfit available.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morisato View Post
    Yes I now there are many saves, but majority of them have hexed stats which look totally unlegit and I hear R* is banning anyone with those mod of sorts as it records your stats via SC when you play the game. Another reason is most saves don't have the Hunter/Trade outfits which came with the free DLC. I've managed to get all the outfits now because I was able to find one house in Mexico that wasn't purchsed and it worked. Think the editor somehow managed to make 1 house unowned or playing some missions thereafter made it unowned but I've managed to get all 17 outfits. Yes another reason my save is better is because none of the saves i've seen so far has dead sassin preorder outfit available.
    I dunno, i have Dead Assassin outfit in my save o_O so what? The only outfits i dont have are DLC ones, n Mexican Poncho...thats it... so its 14 out of 17



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