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SneakyPeanut has released an update to his app Exploit 360:

The update contains many bug fixes and it is recommended that anyone using the older version updates to this new release. For those of you unfamiliar with this app it is the successor to Easy freeBOOT and now includes features such as .ecc building for the new Reset Glitch Hack by GliGli. Along with the many bug fixes and support for Reset Glitch Hack v1.1 SneakyPeanut has also added a new feature, auto updater. I am glad to say that the auto updater will be checking for updates right here at

* minor gui tweaks
* fixed multiple saving of images
* nandpro fix - If read error it will continue until 2 matching images are made
* single instants
* xp path problem / win 7 copy error
* xellous build
* form back crash to console info
* fixed cpukey saving feature
* fixed missing icons
* included some more exploit method images
* fixed next button on glitch mod
* stoped trinity xellous crash (should probs put a message in there telling you you're a derp for trying)
* updated glich mod files, includes support for falcons
* fixed multi builds

* auto updater
* progress bar for loading
* ability to have temps in 'F
Official Site: By SneakyPeanut at
Download: here
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