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HvxDump v1.3
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Thread: HvxDump v1.3

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    jkipp82 is offline
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    HvxDump v1.3

    Name:  xdk_unit_dev.jpg
Views: 4986
Size:  13.6 KB

    TheFallen93 released HvxDump for Xbox360 DevKits that will allow you to read out lots of information (KeyVault, CPU key, bootloaders, ...) from your console NAND:

    This is a small app that will dump a bunch of things from a devkit:
    - Fuse lines
    - 1bl rom
    - Keyvault
    - Bootloaders
    - Smc code
    - Extended/secdata.bin

    And some other stuff. This app runs on every kernel from 11164.3 and up. It is ridiculous that I am actually releasing this app as most people will only use it to get their cpu key, and the cpu key on a devkit is 100% useless. I am releasing this because a few assholes decided it would be
    a cool idea to sell this and trade it for recoveries. It’s fucking ridiculous that people do this kind of shit. Stop leaking shit and go learn something for once you fucking assholes.
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 05-22-2011 at 02:46 AM.
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