how to hex Castlevania Lords of Shadow point?
how to hex Castlevania Lords of Shadow point?
If your far in the game ii believe you can not mod it but it is moddable in the very start i think they may be a save editor but i know there is a save already modded from the start just search for it on google
In other words; there is a checksum on the save game and it has not been worked out by anyone yet...
here is the save which have 15 mil exp to start with:
How can you hack the save file if there is a check on it in the first place,Looking at things like this we might be able to figure it out.
i dont know how to hack this game. this save is made by buddah back from 360 content forum. i notice he is also an member here. try pm him:
Yeah i tried to mod the exp, when i load the game it didn't get corrupt but the exp hasn't change to what i want. Is there any solution to mod the games that have a checksum on it ??
Sorry if i bumped up old thread