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WTS Broken Xbox 360 Consoles + Working, JTAGable Console
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  1. #1

    WTS Broken Xbox 360 Consoles + Working, JTAGable Console

    Don't like the price? Make an offer!

    Only shipping to continental United States. Add $5 for shipping to all prices listed below.

    Console 10: Xenon, not modded, secondary error code 0022(E10), dvd drive works as far as I know, console is in great condition, I believe the x-clamps have been replaced. - $20

    Console 11: Xenon, may be exploitable it has a 7371 kernel, not modded, Secondary error code 0022(E10) I think, dvd drive works as far as I know, console is in great condition, x-clamps have been replaced. - $30

    Console 12: Xenon, not modded, secondary error code 0002(E02), dvd drive works as far as I know, console is in great condition, I believe the x-clamps have been replaced. - $20

    All Xbox's

    Console's 10-12


    My eBay feedback: here
    My BST thread on Xbox-Scene. Xbox 360 BST Thread
    Last edited by Twis7eD; 07-24-2011 at 01:46 AM.

  2. #2
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
    Join Date : Nov 2010
    Posts : 444
    Console 5: Xenon(no HDMI), not modded, doesn't turn on, the console has no dvd drive, console is in fine condition with not many marks on the case, the person who sold it to me said that it was exploitable but I have never been able to get to the dashboard to check what the kernel is so I don't know for sure, I believe the x-clamps have been replaced. - $15 - $20

    Whats the CB version?

  3. #3
    Renegade is offline
    Join Date : Nov 2010
    Location : United Kingdom
    Posts : 2,626
    Woah Twisted that's a LOT of broken boxes lawl

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus Hydra View Post
    Console 5: Xenon(no HDMI), not modded, doesn't turn on, the console has no dvd drive, console is in fine condition with not many marks on the case, the person who sold it to me said that it was exploitable but I have never been able to get to the dashboard to check what the kernel is so I don't know for sure, I believe the x-clamps have been replaced. - $15 - $20

    Whats the CB version?
    I don't really know since I can't turn it on and I'm not going to waste time trying to dump the NAND. If you want it, then I'll sell it super cheap. Super cheap, as in the cost of shipping plus a couple dollars. I really just want to get rid of most of these consoles lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Woah Twisted that's a LOT of broken boxes lawl
    You have no idea lol. How you been btw? Haven't talked in awhile. Hope you're doing good.

  5. #5
    The Immortal God

    CloudStrife7x is offline
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    that is indeed a lot of xboxs
    Downloads : 157 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 24661 || Posts : 18,751 || Thanks : 4,451 || Thanked 3,096 Times in 2,607 Posts

  6. #6
    Bump. Let me know if you are interested in any of these for any price and I'll see if I can compromise.

  7. #7
    thats alot of systems.. i sent you a pm

  8. #8
    PM'd back. If anyone wants a list of my references, check my thread in the BST section of Xbox-Scene.


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