My roommate had her Xbox 360 set up in our living room for a while now. I bought and downloaded Dark Souls and played it for a few weeks, most recently hitting level 50. Then she moved out, and took the Xbox with her. I still have the save files and my profile and everything, I re-downloaded the game on MY Xbox without a problem, but when I try to play the game it says "Save version differs from game version. Sign in to Xbox Live to download the update."

But I already am signed in... and it's not downloading anything.

I'm guessing that, because we have different versions of the Xbox 360 console, it must have downloaded different versions of the Dark Souls game. And my save file from a newer version of the game is incompatible with the previous version... which I am now stuck with.

So what I would very much like to do is edit the save file to be compatible. I don't know if that's possible or not.

I was hoping that somewhere in the file there would just be, like, a value containing the version of the game that the save file is for. And I could go into the file with a hexadecimal editor to change that field to the previous version. However I do understand that there could easily be some data in the save file that refers to things that simply do not exist in the previous version, making this venture extremely difficult or completely impossible.

I don't know. I just really don't want to lose my data. I was able to open the save file in HxD but am at a loss as to which data I should be looking at. If anyone has any advice, it would be massively appreciated.

As a question: How can I edit my Dark Souls save file so that it is compatible with previous versions of the game?

~ Static