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WTB or WTT for a Working PS3 Slim Powers Supply
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  1. #1

    WTB or WTT for a Working PS3 Slim Powers Supply

    The title says it all. mine has gone bad and it's time to replace it, i know i could get one from eBay but the only sellers I'm seeing in my price range are selling outside of the US which = longer periods of time before receiving the item, so I'd really like to buy from someone selling on here in the US if possible.

    PM me with prices or trade ideas. I have several broken 360's several working drives for 360's pulled from RRoD systems that were beyond repair, and a few Stock ROL's sitting around. Cases, and Chrome Bezels as well. And tons of miscellaneous parts. If there is something you need shoot me a PM and see if i have it.

    I'd really like this ASAP

  2. #2
    Anyone have one before I hit eBay?



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